Next.js and TypeScript work well together out of the box. getStaticProps and getStaticPaths are the 2 functions used for Static Generation. How can we ensure type safety?


  • Use the NextPage, GetStaticProps and GetStaticPaths types provided by Next.js
  • Provide generic types to NextPage, GetStaticProps and GetStaticPaths to add additional type safety for props and paths

GetStaticProps and GetStaticPaths types

For pages, Next.js provides the NextPage type. You can pass the type of props the page expect, as a generic.

For static generation and server-side rendering, Next.js provides the types GetStaticProps, GetStaticPaths, GetServerSideProps.

This following example demonstrate how to display the details (humm humm just the name actually) of a few Star Wars characters:

import { GetStaticPaths, GetStaticProps, NextPage } from 'next';
import React from 'react';

interface Person {
  name: string;

interface StarWarsPersonProps {
  person: Person;

const StarWarsPerson: NextPage<StarWarsPersonProps> = ({ person }) => {
  return <div>{}</div>;

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => {
  const { pid } = context.params;

  const res = await fetch(`${pid}`);

  const person = (await res.json()) as Person;

  return {
    props: {

export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {
  const paths = Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, index) => ({
    params: {
      pid: (index + 1).toString(),

  return {
    fallback: false,

export default StarWarsPerson;

Notice how we get type safety out of the box, using the types GetStaticProps and GetStaticPath:

  • getStaticProps has to return an object with a props property
  • getStaticPaths has to return an object with a paths property.

Some points of interest:

  • getStaticPaths returns the list of of possible pid to generate the page for
  • getStaticProps expects a param pid and fetches the Person for the pid
  • The StarWarsPerson component itself expects a person: Person prop

Adding type safety to the param

Notice a potential for improvement here? The whole flow relies on pid param. If I were to write this code, TypesScript would not complain:

export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {
  const paths = Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, index) => ({
    params: {
     pid: (index + 1).toString(),
     pid2: (index + 1).toString(),

  return {
    fallback: false,

How can we improve the type safety?

GetStaticProps type definition

Let's take a look at the GetStaticProps type definition:

export type GetStaticPropsContext<Q extends ParsedUrlQuery = ParsedUrlQuery> = {
  params?: Q;
  preview?: boolean;
  previewData?: PreviewData;
  locale?: string;
  locales?: string[];
  defaultLocale?: string;

export type GetStaticPropsResult<P> =
  | { props: P; revalidate?: number | boolean }
  | { redirect: Redirect; revalidate?: number | boolean }
  | { notFound: true };

export type GetStaticProps<
  P extends { [key: string]: any } = { [key: string]: any },
  Q extends ParsedUrlQuery = ParsedUrlQuery
> = (
  context: GetStaticPropsContext<Q>
) => Promise<GetStaticPropsResult<P>> | GetStaticPropsResult<P>;

The type is providing additional type safety features with the use of generics :)

  • The generic P is the type of props expected to be returned
  • The generic Q is the type of params expected to be received as input

GetStaticPaths type definition

Simimlarly GetStaticPaths provides more type safety with generics:

export type GetStaticPathsContext = {
  locales?: string[];
  defaultLocale?: string;

export type GetStaticPathsResult<P extends ParsedUrlQuery = ParsedUrlQuery> = {
  paths: Array<string | { params: P; locale?: string }>;
  fallback: boolean | 'blocking';

export type GetStaticPaths<P extends ParsedUrlQuery = ParsedUrlQuery> = (
  context: GetStaticPathsContext
) => Promise<GetStaticPathsResult<P>> | GetStaticPathsResult<P>;

In this case, only one generic is specified.
P is the type of params expected to be returned in thepaths property.


With this new knowledge, let's add a new interface Params to provide additional type safety to both GetStaticProps and GetStaticPaths.

We can also enforce type safety on the returned props by GetStaticProps by using the StarWarsPersonProps interface.

import { GetStaticPaths, GetStaticProps, NextPage } from 'next';
import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring';
import React from 'react';

interface Person {
  name: string;

interface StarWarsPersonProps {
  person: Person;

const StarWarsPerson: NextPage<StarWarsPersonProps> = ({ person }) => {
  return <div>{}</div>;

interface Params extends ParsedUrlQuery {
  pid: string;

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<StarWarsPersonProps, Params> =
  async (context) => {
    const { pid } = context.params!;

    const res = await fetch(`${pid}`);

    const person = (await res.json()) as Person;

    return {
      props: {

export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths<Params> = async () => {
  const paths = Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, index) => ({
    params: {
      pid: (index + 1).toString(),

  return {
    fallback: false,

export default StarWarsPerson;

Note that at line 23 we had to use the ! TypeScript non-null assertion operator in order to avoid the error "Property does not exist on type Params | undefined".